Be part of the reuse solutions!

Whether you have a full-blown project or are dipping your toes into the reuse space, there are many ways to be part of the solution.

The world demands an ambitious global treaty to end the age of plastic

Urge governments to develop a Global Plastics Treaty that includes legally-binding, time-bound and ambitious targets to implement and scale up reuse, refill, and alternative product delivery systems.


Check out the different ways you can share, support, and join the campaigns for reuse solutions across the world.
You can also share your voice and stories on #REUSE for the growing body of published research on making reuse the norm.
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Join the #WeChooseReuse campaigns

The transition to reuse needs the support of strong and ambitious policy. Stay informed about the latest reuse developments in Europe by following the #WeChooseReuse campaign

This website is a project of the Break Free From Plastic movement with support of Plastic Solutions Fund